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Poem in praise of CLC community

On the morning of 15 January I read of my appointment to the World ExCo. Soon after, I wrote this reflection:

What is a community if not a home
for love between and among people, 
seeking the good of each other and growing together?

What is CLC if not a community 
formed in God’s presence 
which seeks to extend goodness and hospitality
to help people feel at home in the world?

What is church if not a community 
where the People of God discover themselves
as beloved before all else, 
encourage each other to live in the light of this deep truth, 
and help build a longer table for all to enjoy life’s feast?

Who am I if not a space
for the divine presence to live and move and be known, 
a person in whom life is growing slowly but surely as a Eucalyptus sapling, 
a home for goodness and mercy to meet 
and justice and peace to embrace?

Published incommunitypoetry

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