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Month: April 2022

Poem in praise of CLC community

On the morning of 15 January I read of my appointment to the World ExCo. Soon after, I wrote this reflection:

What is a community if not a home
for love between and among people, 
seeking the good of each other and growing together?

What is CLC if not a community 
formed in God’s presence 
which seeks to extend goodness and hospitality
to help people feel at home in the world?

What is church if not a community 
where the People of God discover themselves
as beloved before all else, 
encourage each other to live in the light of this deep truth, 
and help build a longer table for all to enjoy life’s feast?

Who am I if not a space
for the divine presence to live and move and be known, 
a person in whom life is growing slowly but surely as a Eucalyptus sapling, 
a home for goodness and mercy to meet 
and justice and peace to embrace?

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Why I still wear a mask in 2022

As public health experts have been naming for some time, the COVID19 virus is able to cause much more serious disease than an initial onset of respiratory symptoms:

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) leads to multi-system dysfunction.

COVID19 – A vascular disease, Trends in Cardiovascular medicine, 2021

Some people may well be able to discard masks, cope with catching the virus, and withstand the impacts of vascular disease, re-infection or long-covid. A good number of earnest people, however, have reason for caution. We do not want to catch the virus, encounter serious disease, nor experience longer-term harm to our bodies. 

As the World Health Organization mask advice states, “Masks should be used as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission and save lives … If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue … Do it all! Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people.”

The public health experiment of feeling blasé about large numbers of people catching the plague/COVID19 virus should be a cause for public discomfort. Alongside measures like vaccines and ventilation, wearing a mask aims to protect the vulnerable members of our community. That vulnerable person may in fact be you.

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