In this time of great change and challenge, as we stare down a pandemic, prayer seems all the more urgent and necessary. Many of us need God’s strength in these days. I believe that seeking God in prayer is indeed a more urgent longing than anything else. The God I long for is the One in whom I find comfort and consolation. This is a God in whom we can hope.
God of my longing
God of my longing,
I wait on your movement within:
draw me close to you
lead me to rest in your embrace.
God of my longing, I cry out for your presence: make yourself known to me grant me your compassion.
God of my longing, I seek your peace in the quiet: the embrace of your Spirit the joy of your life.
God of my longing, I yearn for your tender love: to renew my mind to make music in my heart.
God of my longing,
I want your very self:
create fresh confidence within me
to reach out after your hand.
God of my longing, I call on your name in the morning: hear my voice, listen to my request be with me in joy and distress.
God of my longing, I sing of your goodness before the peoples: gather us in solidarity and companionship move great communion among us.
God of my longing, I believe your light is the true north star: shine brightly in the night of darkness be the guiding hope of this age.
God of my longing,
I ask for your invitation today:
send a new call to my ears
give me the grace to respond.
Prayer and discernment
The inner encounter in daily life renews us for what we are to do. In calling on God’s name, and resting in God’s presence, prayer opens the heart to experience God moving within and among us. So it is that the door may open into a deeper peace and a renewed sense of hope – and other gifts from the giver.
It is on the days of distance
that my heart expresses its deepest yearning.
It is on the days of darkness
that I seek the light with which to see.
It is on the days of distress
that my plea for comfort is heard.
We may in time notice a growing sense of ease in relating with God and an encouragement to keep going, both sure signs of God’s Spirit with us. We may also grow in our ability to recognise contrary movements for what they are – disturbances from the spirit of dis-ease and discouragement. Thus, we grow in our felt need for ‘discernment’ in daily life.
A prayer for these times
God of all goodness and consolation, be with our communities. Make us aware of your presence with us. Give each person the deep peace, comfort and patience needed to get through this time. Send life to our minds and joy to our hearts. May we see ourselves and each person as indeed precious in your eyes, honoured and loved (Isaiah 43:4). Send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Amen.
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