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When you listen to Allegri’s Miserere, prayer happens

Listening to Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere mei Deus, I wrote the following:

O, beauty in all things!
O, joy in my heart!
O, gratefulness spreading!
O, cries of compassion resounding!
May we go forward in community
May we live full lives of service and love.

Listen, the musician sings
See, the people enjoy
Feel, your nerve-endings exposed
This is truth and self meeting
This is hope and life embracing
Now, your spirit rises
Here, your hands reach out
Wait upon the enfolding light
Wait for your moment to act
In decision, peace
In confirmation, thanks
In your days, consolation.

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Light and Hope have met – Sun and Sky have embraced

At midday on a school day, I stopped for a moment by the harbour.

Light and hope have met
Sun and sky have embraced
My heart moves with joy
My spirit flies like an eagle
Soaring above the situation
With perspective and insight.
Returning to ground, my feet placed firmly,
I look out at Sydney's storied harbour,
See the swaying ferry, moored unusually
I notice the city skyline with its reaching tips
Seeking after greatness, extending into cloud
And for a single moment of stillness
I am satisfied, grateful, lifted up
And the to-do list can wait.
I am here for the wind on my cheeks
I am here for the music in my ears
I am here for a break from noise and needless
interruptions by task and pressure.
Waiting on the lunchtime bell
I discover, I enjoy, I pause.
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May she know the promise of hope

A poem reflecting on student wellbeing:

A long absent student enters class,
sits with quiet determination,
tries not to be noticed,
you call her by name.
Survival is a story ancient as the stars:
light out of darkness;
a distant child returned.
After one hundred days of exile
may she know the promise of hope
and walk peaceably from joy to joy to joy
from blessing to blessing to fresh immeasurable blessing.

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